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Thursday, 14 December 2017

How to create Bootable Pendrive in Windows with cmd

(Method 2)

How to create Bootable Pendrive in Windows  with cmd

Here is the second method of making Pendrive bootable. With the help of this method, you can able to make your Pendrive bootable in a couple of minutes. However, you can able to use Windows vista, 7 and 8. You can’t able to use it with Windows 10. It is very easy to do follow my steps carefully.
  1. First of all Open Command Prompt. You should have to open CMD as an Administrator. All you need to do is just right click on it and then select run as administrator. But there is one problem that it will make Pendrive bootable on Windows Vista, 7 and 8.
  2. After opening CMD, enter this command over there disk part
  3. Then it will show you some information about your PC. After you should have to enter another command that is list disk
  4. Now, it will show you, your connected disks. Then enter next command there selectdisk @ you should replace with your disk number.
  5. Here you should clean your drive, all you need to do is just enter new command there clean
  6. Now, this is the important step for making bootable Pendrive. Enter command create partition primary it will create a partition in your Pendrive.
  7. It means you can able to select your new partition. Enter new command here select partition 1 and then hit enter. When you will see status Active then enter another command active and hit enter. With the help of those commands, it will activate the partition.
  8. Now all set to format your USB Drive. Enter this command format fs=32 and hit enter. You can able to see progress in percentage.
  9. Enter this command assign and hit enter, Then type exit for ending disk management program.
  10. The last step is that you have to copy all windows files to USB Drive. As it made your Pendrive bootable. Now are set to go.
If you have any problem with the setup this guide then feels free to comment below. I will surely help you to get out from there.


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