The Full-time Blogger, hello! Friends wassup, My name is Binit kr Burnwal, I’m a 22-year-old full-time blogger who loves to do Nothing. I am don't have any success of My life dairy to tell you but You will be happy when You open my Blog in this nothing special to anybody but who can understand they never ignore this blog so I am a simple human being. I like make everyone happy. that why my name is Mr. looser. okay have nice day. and Love all my friends.
how to hack window 7 password it's a copyright video so plsz see and resolve your problem
Hack Windows 7 (Become Admin)
Step 1Introduction:
Hello! Hackers In this tutorial I will tell you how to hack windows 7 administrator password. However you already know (I think) Specifically, it is used in school, computer labs or other workplaces, where, administrator is locked with a password, while you can only use standard user or guest.
Step 2Start That PC:
Turn on the UPS and the CPU, tap F8 continuously on the boot screen to get some windows start-up options .
Choose "Start windows normally" option and turn the UPS off immediately.
Then turn on the PC again, let it load.
After that you will be prompted with two options in the boot screen (again), select the first option - "Launch Start-up Repair(recommended)"
After 5 min, It will ask you to "restore defaults", select "Cancel" option.
Let it continue...
Step 3Wait for About 15-20 Minutes:
Now this is where the tricky part comes:
After 20 min, an error report screen will pop-up, asking to send information or not.
Ignore it, click on "View Problem Details" arrow, scroll down to the end of the report, then click a link stating X:\windows\ something...something (the link starts with an"X")
Another Window will pop-up, and will look like a notepad (it is a notepad)
Click File on the Menu-Bar, then select Open, and another window will pop-up (that's just too many windows!)
Navigate to C: drive (or whatever drive on which windows is installed), click Windows, then System32, after that click on the arrow beside the "File Type" option and select "all files"
Then search for a file named "sethc"(this is the shortcut to stickey keys), rename it to something else (Eg:abc)
Search for cmd, make its copy and rename the copy as "sethc"
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